
Malegod are beings with extraordinary divine powers. in the root universe, they rule or oversee various domains of the world, such as the sky, ocean, death, etc. their relationship with humans is complex and variable, being both guardians and punishers.

'MaleGod': {
    'Hair Color': ['Gold', 'White', 'Silver', 'Blue'], 
    'Hairstyle': ['Long Hair', 'Fluffy Curls', 'Big Waves', 'Straight Long Hair', 'Braids'],
    'Clothing': ['Holy White Robe', 'Gold-Edged Cloak', 'Gemstone Armor', 'Gold Armor',
                 'Sunburst Robe', 'Colorful Armor'],
    'Equipment': ['Starlight Crown', 'Light Cloak', 'Divine Emblem Shield', 'Sacred Spring Water Bag',
                  'Divine Oracle Eye'],  
    'Weapons': ['Sacred Light Longsword', 'Stardust Staff', 'Justice Scepter', 'Divine Sky Sword',
                'Universe Scepter', 'Heaven Bow', 'Holy Light Chains', 'Radiance Shield', 'Sunlight Ring'],  
                'Exoskeleton': ['White Feathers', 'Holy Light Wings', 'Gold Feathers']  

Goddess consists of beings with divine powers surpassing those of mortals, ruling or overseeing various realms of the world such as the sky, ocean, death, etc. their relationship with humans is intricately complex, being either compassionate protectors or strict punishers.

'Goddess': {
    'Hair Color': ['Gold', 'White', 'Silver'], 
    'Hairstyle': ['Long Hair', 'Fluffy Curls', 'Big Waves', 'Straight Long Hair', 'Braids'],
    'Clothing': ['Holy White Robe', 'Gold-Edged Cloak', 'Gemstone Armor', 'Gold Armor',
                 'Sunshine Robe', 'Colorful Armor'],
    'Equipment': ['Starlight Crown', 'Light Cloak', 'Divine Emblem Shield', 'Sacred Spring Water Bag',
                  'Divine Oracle Eye'], 
    'Weapons': ['Sacred Light Longsword', 'Stardust Staff', 'Justice Scepter', 'Divine Sky Sword',
                'Universe Scepter', 'Heaven Bow', 'Holy Light Chains', 'Radiance Shield', 'Sunlight Ring'], 
                'Exoskeleton': ['White Feathers', 'Holy Light Wings', 'Gold Feathers']  

Divine warrior are mortals or demigods chosen by the deities, endowed with divine powers originating from the gods themselves.they act as the agents of gods on earth.selected by the divine to maintain the balance ofthe divine realm and the world. as messengers and protectors of the gods they become exceptionally powerful under the selection and empowerment of the deities.

'DivineWarrior': {
    'Hair Color': ['Gold', 'White', 'Silver'],     
    'Hairstyle': ['Long Hair', 'Fluffy Curls', 'Big Waves', 'Straight Long Hair', 'Braids'],
    'Skin Color': ['Pure White', 'Gold', 'Light Blue', 'Ivory'], 
    'Clothing': ['Gemstone Armor', 'Gold Armor', 'Colorful Armor', 'Crystal Armor'], 
    'Equipment': ['Divine Wing Cloak', 'Divine Light Crown', 'Stardust Gloves'], 
    'Weapons': ['Gold Sword', 'Gold Spear', 'Gold Staff', 'Divine Light Sword', 'Starlight Longbow',
                'Purple Gold Divine Shield'],  
    'Exoskeleton': ['Golden Wings']  

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